Fildena Ct 50 Mg : Enjoy the valuing moment of **** | Best Ed Medicine | Free Shipping |

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Fildena CT 50 mg is safe and effective utilized in the treatment of ED (ED) and male impotency. Fildena CT pill contains an awfully high-quality Viagra.

About Fildena CT 50 mg:

Fildena CT 50 mg contains active generic as Viagra turn that is employed to treat ED and pulmonic high blood pressure. This medication has been terribly effective and fashionable alongside men of all ages due to its fast and long-lived action.

What is Fildena CT 50mg:

Fildena Ct 50 may be a phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) is a lively ingredient Viagra turn is prescribed to treat ED. it's conjointly used for pulmonic blood vessel high blood pressure (PAH). Fildena CT 50mg doesn't defend against sexually transmitted diseases.

Fildena CT 50 mg Uses:

Fildena CT 50 mg is safe and effective utilized in the treatment of ED (ED) and male impotency. Fildena CT pill contains an awfully high-quality Viagra, that makes this medication even as effective because the Generic anit-impotence drug pills within the treatment of dysfunction. At first, the Viagra tabs would wish to be taken a minimum of one hour before sexual issues, this version has been according to require impact anyplace from 15-20 minutes once consumption.

How to Fildena CT 50 mg works:

Fildena CT 50 mg contains Viagra that helps improve blood flow to the erectile organ to supply associate erection. This drug is safe associated effective in treating ED by inhibiting the present accelerator known as PDE5 to relax muscles and blood vessels that the blood flow to erectile issues is accrued for an erection. the consequences of this drug work with the presence of sexual issues.

Who ought to take Fildena CT 50mg:

It is for those males WHO need to beat ED, however cannot swallow a tough pill. it's conjointly for men WHO don't just like the bitter style of arduous tablets once swallowing.

Use 50mg CT Fildena to beat delicate to moderate erection weakness. it's conjointly for males WHO need quicker action inside half-hour.

Precautions and Warning for Fildena CT 50 mg:

  • You aren't counselled to require this medication during a great amount or for an extended time than suggested.
  • You must always advise to require Fildena CT 50 mg as prescribed by your doctor. don't take Fildena medication quite once during a day.
  • Children below the age of 18 years and adult on top of the age 65 years should not take this pill.
  • Men suffering with medical issues of important organs like urinary organ, Liver, Lungs or high blood pressure should not consume this pill.
  • It isn't best to drink high amounts of alcohol before taking this medication.

Side effects:

The drug usually doesn't show any marked or severe aspect effects. However, it should dissent from person to person. The common aspect effects which will be determined throughout the medication is also as follows:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Flushing
  • Muscle pain
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Swelling of face or throat
  • Trouble in respiratory
  • Stomach upset
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sudden deafness
  • Anxiety
  • Vomiting
  • Prolonged and painful erection



Immediately decision your doctor or reach near medical emergency centre if you're suspecting the over dosage symptoms like Painful erection for an extended time, flushing, temporary state, etc.

Do not share your medication with anyone near you or in your relationship even though they need similar symptoms. it should cause adverse effects. forever guide them to go to their doctor for his or her symptomatic relief.

Missed Dose:

A lost dose of Fildena Ct 50 mg may be taken anytime within the day. Skip the dose if it's the time for following dose however don't double the dose for next time. several doses at identical time will cause fatal effects.


  • Fildena ought to be keep at temperature that is mostly travel between 20 to 25 degree.
  • It ought to be shielded from direct heat and daylight.
  • It ought to be unbroken during a dry place to avoid contact with wet
  • The bubble pack during which it's obtainable mustn't be hampered
  • Keep at a height in order that the youngsters cannot reach to the drug
  • Keep far from the attainable reach of the pets
  • The medication mustn't be keep within the toilet
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