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Upcycleluxe is India’s first Carbon Neutral Marketplace. A road to create a strong community for sustainable fashion brands in India. Curating thoughtful products, better & mindful choices for consumers, we wish to make sustainable, conscious and ethical fashion accessible to ALL. It

In a layperson’s language, upcycling is to recycle or reuse something in a way that increases the value of the original object. Thus, upcycling is taking something old and creating something new out of it. The distinctive feature of upcycling is the ‘value addition’ undertaken. When we talk clothing upcycling, designers use ‘deadstock’ or clothing leftovers to create new and stylish garments. Upcycling fashion trends and the sustainable fashion movement have taken the world by storm over the past few years, with brands like Balenciaga jumping onto the bandwagon. As per Mckinsey data, the global fashion industry emits the same quantity of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) as the economies of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom combined. Upcycling fashion trends are a steady yet powerful tool to combat the pressing detriments of the global fashion industry vis-à-vis eco-sensitivity and climate change.


Advantages of Upcycling


The upcycling movement within the fashion industry is expected to inflate from USD 8246.1 million in 2023 to USD 9808.5 million in 2025. Thus, its scope is very high, and exciting ventures will unfold quickly. Some of the benefits of upcycling are –


  1. Supports Circular Economy – Upcycling designs support a circular economy wherein goods are used and reused multiple times. A circular economy is more sustainable and equitable as it relies on what already exists rather than constantly depending on churning our new materials.
  2. Supports Small Businesses – With the mainstreaming of upcycled fashion, various small businesses have found a new lease of life and are thriving on platforms like Instagram. Many small businesses are utilizing trends like crochet, patchwork, handmade garments, and handmade jewelry and serving stylish fits to customers. One platform that is currently the hub of all-things upcycled in Upcycleluxe- It is India’s first carbon-neutral wherein you can find the best ‘upcycling edits’
  3. Waste Reduction – Upcycling reduces garment and textile waste by co-opting old and leftover materials to create something ingenious and fun. A lot of the garment factory waste and leftovers are dumped into landfills. Nevertheless, textile upcycling provides a viable trajectory wherein both small and big fashion houses can reduce the abhorrent production of waste by taking the assistance of ‘deadstock.’
  4. Reduction in Carbon Footprint – As per statistics, the global fashion industry has to cut its GHG emission by 1.1 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide by 2023 to reach a sustainable and ethical standard. Upcycling of clothes has emerged as an alternative solution for brands to reduce their carbon footprint.
  5. Eliminating Micro-trends – Experts opine that the journey to achieve sustainability within the fashion domain requires the elimination of fast fashion and micro-trends. Thus, upcycled clothing collections coupled with slow fashion collections can provide the much-needed push that the fashion industry needs to be more eco-sensitive. Likewise, the average consumer is also getting attracted to carefully crafted upcycled fashion pieces, a revolutionary trend, to say the least. For example, a recent survey conducted in the UK illustrates that 61 percent of the customers prefer clothing brands with sustainable credentials.


If you are looking for stylish and ‘evergreen’ upcycled fashion pieces, Upcycledluxe.com should be your go-to destination. Some of its bestsellers include upcycled leather studs by Noupelle and the upcycled brass and copper pendant by the brand Kritha.

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