How to Obtain a High Google Ranking

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A step-by-step guide on how to get a high Google ranking

5 Quick-Win Tips on How to Rank

This article does not provide a step-by-step guide on how to get a high Google ranking. And I completely understand why people would want such a guide. Please accept my apologies, but such a guidebook does not exist. Having said that, I can provide you some helpful advice on how to enhance your ranks!

Make Goals That Are Realistic 

It's possible that the keywords you're attempting to rank for are simply too competitive. It will be difficult to compete with a large number of powerful sites with high-quality content targeting the same keyword as you. If that's the case, you might want to concentrate on long-tail keywords instead.

Resolve the issue of orphaned content

There are few internal links to orphaned content from other pages or posts. This type of information will be regarded as less valuable by Google. As a result, if an article is significant to you, you should let Google and your viewers know. Other relevant information can be used to link to that specific article. Linking to it from publications that receive a lot of search engine traffic will assist Google and your readership in finding your blog post.

If you're using WordPress, Yoast SEO can help you find orphaned articles. You may also use our SEO exercise to easily repair your orphaned content concerns.

Address the issue of keyword cannibalism.

If you optimise two (or more) posts for focus keywords that are too similar, keyword cannibalism can develop. It's difficult for Google to determine which of these articles is the most important. As a result, you may wind up with low rankings for both articles. Your internal linking structure might be able to alleviate some of your keyword cannibalism issues. Consider which article is the most significant to you and link to it from the other long tail articles. This tells Google which one should be prioritised.

In many circumstances, auditing and combining your material is the best way to handle keyword cannibalization issues. Look for articles that deal with comparable search terms.

You should merge two articles if they both appeal to the same audience and tell the same story. Rewrite these posts into one fantastic, high-octane piece. This will boost your ranks and eliminate keyword cannibalism. After all, Google favours material that is both long and well-written.

Increase the speed of your website

The importance of speed in SEO cannot be overstated. Google, like consumers, prefers websites that load quickly. You can speed up your site by using (better) hosting or using a caching plugin. Alternatively, if you're feeling daring, you can do both. Read our post on how to improve your site speed to learn more about site speed.

Resolve Google Search Console Issues

Google Search Console is integrated with the Yoast SEO plugin. Start by fixing the problems that Google Search Console discovered on your website if you want to boost your SEO. To get started, read our Google Search Console posts.

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