The top five fears individuals have concerning the IELTS exam – and how to overcome them

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Exams are something that no one enjoys. They make individuals feel worried and uneasy. They erode pupils' self-esteem and cause them to become stressed. People panic in the most extreme instances and lose their ability to think properly.


IELTS is no exception, and many people find this to be a challenge. Many aspects of IELTS can be scary if you don't know how to approach them. People are terrified of the unknown, thus the best way to overcome this fear is to familiarise yourself with all of the "scary" components of the IELTS exam. If the element of surprise is removed from IELTS, these fears will vanish.

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Here are the top five reasons why individuals are terrified of IELTS:

  1. What if I forget to answer the questions in the Listening module?


This is anxiety about losing focus. "I am terrified of missing answers," any IELTS candidate will remark when asked what they are afraid of in the Listening module. I'm worried I won't be able to follow along with the recording."


There is only one way to get rid of this phobia – practice. Practicing increases confidence and teaches you how to recover even if you miss a question or two, as well as how to continue and complete the remaining tasks. Practice shows your weaknesses, the tasks that are the most difficult for you, and the areas where you regularly lose points. Paying extra attention to those chores will help you save valuable points and raise your overall band score.


  1. What if I don't have enough time to do the task?


The most common anxiety in the Reading and Writing parts is not finishing on time. Taking control of the time and managing it properly is the greatest strategy to deal with this issue. The students are given multiple passages, and you should never let one passage consume all of your time.


"Divide and Conquer" is one of the time management tactics. At the start of the test, divide the time and write down when you will begin working on each passage. Regardless of what happens, keep your word on the deal. Continue to the following section even if you have unresolved questions. Consider this a damage-control system: it will ensure that, even if some questions are missed, the majority of them get answered. Click to get more information about the IELTS classes in Pune.


  1. What if I don't have anything to say?


This is a dread of being stuck in a creative rut. Many students are terrified about being given an essay topic and having nothing to say about it. Reading a lot of writings on various themes and absorbing other people's opinions is the easiest approach to get over it. The truth is that IELTS examiners aren't concerned with the source of the material; what counts is how an essay is prepared.


  1. What if I say something stupid?


This is a dread of "inappropriate" ideas being expressed. There are no right or incorrect thoughts, contrary to popular belief. No notion can hurt a student's grade as long as they stay on the subject and articulate their opinions reasonably.


  1. What if I don't know what to say?


This is a phobia of having to engage with the examiner. The Speaking module, in general, makes individuals uneasy because there is little or no time to consider. What if they ask me a question and I don't know what to answer or don't have an opinion? People must develop the confidence to overcome their fears. Practicing speaking for a couple of weeks with a list of topics can help a lot; once you've shown your ability to speak to yourself, demonstrating it to the examiner becomes much easier.


Some pupils are apprehensive about being taped. Surprisingly, this approach is used to evaluate the examiner rather than the examinee. There are times when students are dissatisfied with their grades and want re-evaluation, which can only be done if the exam is recorded.


Finally, I'll say it again: we, as humans, are terrified of the unknown and content with the known. Allowing unreasonable worries to stand in the way of your achievement is not a good idea.  Click to get more information about the IELTS training in Pune.


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