Ten Green Bottles - New Products

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So, we're told that people have to do more for the environment. That people should source locally produced food. They inform us that people should recycle more. So we diligently do these exact things, convinced that we're doing our bit to preserve mother earth. But while we�

To celebrate in the greening of the world, and our contribution to it, our exquisite recycled doormat, we've come up with a top 10 listing of amazing reuses of the humble green (and clear) bottles.

  1. Raise a glass in honour of Grolsch with Nigel's Eco Store

The next time you're having a beer, serve it down in the green bottle Grolsh goblets. Taking recycling to a whole new level, the glass bottles experienced their base carefully cut away, sharp edges polished and the beds base bonded to the upside down bottle, creating an ideal eco-friendly goblet. A great talking point at any party!

  1. Temple of a million bottles

It's not exactly about meditation. Buddhist monks at the Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew temple in Thailand took recycling one step further by creating a whole temple. Nickname "Temple of a Million Bottles" this magnificent structure was built using greater than a million discarded recycled glass bottles from their area. And they built everything from the crematorium to the toilet, including some funky floor mosaics produced from the bottle tops.

  1. Eco Mat from Doormats Delivered

When you're buying a door mat, the environmental surroundings mightn't figure highly - what you need is a dirt trapper mat, or a doormat that'll make your hallway look pretty. But doormats could be green too. The Eco doormat is made from 100% recycled plastic containers and tyres. The Eco mat provides a whole solution for your house that wants to be eco conscious when buying door mats.

  1. Bottle ahoy

Moses may have parted the Dead Sea, but Evian is parting the entire ocean. Well, not every one of the 12,500 bottles could be Top 10 Glass Bottle Manufacturers in the USA the branded variety, but they've helped The Plastiki get well coming to setting sail. Not only any boat, this one comes with custom-made solar panels and wind turbines and bikes that power the batteries. And all of this from several plastic bottles.

  1. Diamonds were a girls closest friend

Why waste your cash on diamonds when some precisely cut glass will undoubtedly be just like good. Whether it's earrings, beads and pendants you're sure to locate something created from recycled glass that'll please you or a loved one.

  1. Samsung Eco cover up

Samsung have gone Eco-tastic with the launch of the Blue Earth Handset. The touchscreen display eco-phone is made from recycled water bottles and is free from nasty chemicals usually used to fireproof products. It also sports a built in solar panel to make the most of what Samsung helpfully points out, is one of the very most eco-friendly energy sources.

  1. Chandelier sparkle

Recycling could have been the ugly duckling once upon a time. But nowadays they sparkle and shine like a true to life fairytale. Michelle Brand has created a range of beautiful eco-friendly designs. Using the petal shapes extracted from the beds base of plastic water bottles; what you get is a cascading delight.

  1. A winter wonderland of green

Next Christmas how about making a new party game. Drink the beer and build the tree. Guests gather around and contribute to the creation of your personal Green bottle Christmas tree. OK, it's a silly idea, you could topple over and produce a mess... but wouldn't it be fun trying to create it? In the mean time browse the experts who've already done it.

  1. A route paved with... glass

The road to London might be paved with gold, but generally everything else will come in a shade of boring Tarmac.... unless you're visiting the Morton Arboretum in the USA. To incorporate a little colour to their paths they've opted for recycled glass. Naturally, the glass has been rounded off to produce it completely safe and it seems a whole lot prettier than Tarmac.

  1. Calling time ladies and gentlemen

With time honoured calls, this is actually the last bottle ladies and gents. Artistic licence put on a humble old bottle can make something of beauty, and one that'll ensure you're on time. All of these Bottle clocks are handcrafted in the UK using genuine recycled bottles and labels.

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