I lacked lots of scholo to get runes and mywowgold

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Should I wait for the classic wow gold scourge invasion event to try to hit exalted with argent dawn? I am now ~half way to revered.

Should I wait for the classic wow gold scourge invasion event to try to hit exalted with argent dawn? I am now ~half way to revered.If your guild has some crafters already awakened to find out them and hook up everyone else with the gear, then there is not much point to becoming exalted yourself. Oh you do get an 18 slot bag and a few new epics like the CH quests that need a bit less stuff if you are exalted also.

Bracers or Earthstrike are. So perhaps decent for an alt, however an alt won't probably be exalted and in the time to farm the mats for the quest, you could hopefully get much better equipment I'd think.Also you'll receive exalted pretty fast inside of Naxxramas along with the frost resist recipes aren't necessary anyways since they nerfed Sapphiron.

And if your not a tailor, leatherworker, or blacksmith that's a perfectly logical choice. If you're among those professions your still gont need exalted for your frost resist routines.

I lacked lots of scholo to get runes and mywowgold strat for mount and another shit, it's not like you are not gaining anything from it.

I agree with another answer. You are able to acquire 2-3k rep from doing the invasion event. The first hour of accomplishing this will be the most rewarding due to one time pursuit drops.

It is hard to state how much rep you'll be able to farm during this invasion event. Yes there's lots of rep to be had but how much is really doable for any but the very sweaty is fairly hard to say since there's a limit on the amount of invasions which will happen and they're going to be tough farmed.
