Why are they never shot?

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So we always understand how the power of Diesel's will has helped the immortal car family grow into a billion-dollar industry.

As fans have pointed out, if the "F F" movie has become an international, multicultural, hip-hop-friendly reaction to James Bond, the latest is Roger Moore's era Bond. The only question is whether this new one is "Moon Laker" or "Octopussy". I vote for "Moonraker" because the satellite is on the plot. If I think I can keep it straight, and if it's important, I'll explain the plot in more detail, but it's not. The plot wasn't the reason people went to see these movies f9 review . The charm lies in the pursuit and stunts, the painful battles and mythical stance, the repeated calls of [Vin Diesel's vibrant voice] FAMMMM-LY, and the soap opera / pro-wrestling style storytelling. Introducing a new character that tells us that everyone and the characters they have established mean the world, even if no one in the previous movie mentioned his name before.

When he stumbles from the burning wreckage, Tez asks how Rome is still alive. I love how Gibson tweeted inconsistent responses like "uhhhUUUUHHhhhh". That's what I say when someone asks me how Fast Furious isn't dead. All other ongoing movie series are based on something of a sort: fantasy novels, comic books, residual smoke from George Lucas's wonders, toys, and two or more alien movies. A very suspicious argument. In the modern Hollywood franchise, the best way to succeed now is to succeed a generation ago. Even if it's the American way, it's not very American. So we always understand how the power of Diesel's will has helped the immortal car family grow into a billion-dollar industry. This story always breaks new ground, even if it goes in the wrong direction. But if you don't try to jump off a cliff, how do you fly?

But it's going in the wrong direction. It's been four years since the Furious Speed ​​ICE BREAK trapped Charlize Theron in an evil plane, and two years after the spin-off Hobbs Shaw had two middle-aged non-comedians talk about the impregnation of their enemy sister. Both movies made me feel like nothing was happening all the time. It also represents the global dull and hysterical mood from April 2020, the first release date of F9, to the delay in arrival this week.

Many movie fans will return to the theater for this. Properly, "return" is an important theme. Longtime fast director Justin Lin departed at Furious 6 in 2013. This killed Sung Kang's brief Han again. They both go home at this new entrance. Jordana Brewster too. His sister Toretto reunites with Dom and confronts his long-deceased brother Jacob (John Cena), an international car killer who plans to become "almost every god."

The script traverses this area twice so that the audience can really get it. One time as a series of proper flashbacks and another time when Dom is dealing with near-death experiences. After CG Vin Diesel transforms Fulhulk into a group of SWAT thugs, Dom "drowns" in an underground bunker, floats in the white light of death, remembers the fateful day his father died on the tarmac, and has a family. As soon as you recover, you will return to the destruction of the armored car. It's unclear if he had to dry himself after Dom came out of the watery tomb. Another superpower?

Dom (Vin Diesel) takes it and Jacob (John Cena) yells at his face at F9
Image: Universal image
F9 counteracts the character's development by spending a lot of time meta-commenting on their own ridiculous things. In this spin of the franchise, the Romans face the nature of being that their families cannot be hurt. Why are they never shot? How do they survive all car accidents? Have they been chosen? If these are inconsistent tweets of men with constant behavior, it may be a perfect joke to contract the seriousness to conclude a given behavioral scenario. However, there is an entire dialogue-driven scene that reveals the supernatural forces that may be working in the Fast franchise. If the sidelines are set for the final crossover of the series with Diesel's Last Witch Hunter Universe (Now, that's good!), The movie doesn't take the magical element seriously enough. If it's just Comic Relief, it's a flat drop filler, but by the time F9 crashes, it's not as flat as a five-minute gag where the Star Wars character becomes Charlize Theron's villainous cipher.

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