I really don't like seeing all the trolls in Taverly.

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Yeah, I don't enjoy what they've done with Burthorpe and Taverly. There's no distinction between both today, and it seems overly packed with no feel of settlement. I don't mind using a plaza with OSRS gold some things, like having a market in Burthorpe and a church (or maybe a cathedral if we desired it to be a town...), but we surely need more space between Taverly and Burthorpe.

I really don't like seeing all the trolls in Taverly. I really don't like how absurd they've made it and how low levelled the trolls are. I want Burthorpe to feel as a gritty military city protecting the principality's lands from the trolls. It doesn't feel really militant anymore, also before the update it did not feel as a town or a city. I agree on the boundaries, though Jagex are making the transition to desert a little smoother. Even when I started I found it really odd. If we made the map bigger it would certainly be useful.

Karamja generally could use an update. South of Brimhaven it looks like a major square, not quite realistic looking. Over the Summer, I had to read a novel set in England during the middle ages (approximately 1150). To get from town to town, the figures needed to walk .

The publication is fictitious, but I believe it's largely accurate with respect to land between major towns. Both of these are big, comparatively dangerous (especially to a unexperienced traveller ), and not packed to the gills with content.

To start with, I believe the lodestone network ought to be taken off. It kills any feeling of adventure even for new players who only have to walk to a particular place once. Secondly, clan camp ought to be shrunk to maybe a quarter of its existing size. It eliminated a substantial (in size) forest and caused the Falador-Rimmington-Port Sarim area to become unrealistically joined together.

Last, I believe there ought to be some added dangers to this"wilderness" involving towns. This might be outlaws coming out to strike youpersonally, natural events, and so forth. Jagex strove to make this by presenting level 5 highwaymen, but they're insignificant to players over level 10 and don't pose any threats to individuals who are smart enough to operate. These dangers will correspond to your ability level and would be common at elevated levels. They would come from nowhere and struggle only you, very similar to older arbitrary events. This could probably help stop botting too. I'd recommend the enlarging of this map too, but that would be pretty hard.

Eastern lands are interesting, and I believe they have got lots of potential, but before we go in for them I think I would rather visit Menaphos and Prifidinas. Additionally, keeping them ridiculously cryptic is actually extremely helpful when they would like to retcon stuff in. They are cool, but unecessary at Old School RuneScape Gold the moment, unless Jagex wants to draw within an oriental playerbase. Were they're released, I'd love some tie ins with Player owned Ports, Majharrat, and possibly even another race entirely. . .but not Pandas like in WOW.

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