How to make shoes tighter?

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Wearing loose shoes is dangerous. Loose shoes increase the chances of falls and trips. If possible those shoes should be replaced immediately. But what to do if we don't have any other option other than keeping those loose shoes.

How to make shoes tighter?

Wearing loose shoes is dangerous. Loose shoes increase the chances of falls and trips. If possible those shoes should be replaced immediately. But what to do if we don't have any other option other than keeping those loose shoes.

So let's start our today's topics How to make shoes tight?

1. Using insoles

Insoles are placed inside the shoes. They are used for increasing extra cushions and for tightening shoes. Insoles are easily available in local stores and online stores.

Insoles are made of leather, foam and gel. Foam insoles are the best option and are available easily.

2. Wearing thicker or extra socks

Thick socks or extra pair of socks increases our feet size. So they also provide tighter fit inside shoes. This option work on almost all type of shoes.

But due to more socks, it will increase sweating inside shoes and would be very difficult to do in summer weather.

3. Use a cotton piece or cloth between toes.

This is the simplest suggestion. You can add a cotton piece or piece of cloth or tissue between your toes. This makes the finger spread and you will get a little grip. Although it's a very temporary solution but is useful. This idea is suitable for a long walk as it will then irritate the feet.

4. Shrink with water and hairdryer.

This is suitable for leather and fabric shoes only. Here you have to spray some water on shoes and then use a hairdryer to blow hot air to make shoes dry. The hairdryer should be on a low setting and should be some distance away from the shoe. This is an effective solution but could damage shoes.

Don't blow hot air on a specific shoe area as it can damage shoe surface.

check my other blog here:- Different types of insoles
