What do you think they should be adding?

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One of my best memories from the beginning was playing with some irl friends and then having a reunion with a few other players from the game. Following that, we travelled to WOW Classic TBC Gold Costa del Sol and sat on the beach , watching the sun rise while telling stories and making long jokes. While technically, we weren't doing anything during the game, it was still very fun and resonant. There aren't many other games I've played to be as fun.

Then, at the end of my play session today I went to Limsa like usual. I was hugged by a couple who was so thin, and they praised my tank-top outfit. We danced for a while together before we ended our time together. This is quite normal when playing the game.

LotRO is, in my opinion, the closest I've seen to any MMO with as much player-led activity as FFXIV has. I played a few alts on Landroval that was their primary RP server, as well as the server that hosted Weatherstock. Nothing came as close to the day-to-day activity that I've observed here.

I'm just a total sprout and novice, but I've witnessed many girls with the name Paw's Paws or something playing instruments in an pub. I thought they were npcs, although it's still difficult for me to discern the difference between players and non-players. It seems I was wrong. those were real people plying in bands? Damn. I was thinking I heard an old tune however, I didn't pay attention.

What do you think they should be adding? A way to challenge players to play cards anyplace in the game(players I'm referring to). If they have the possibility of winning mgp from the gold saucer it could be great fun playing cards and making our own bets on buy wow tbc gold games. I would love to walk through a dark alleyway and see card sharks looking for games to play.

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