Beetroot benefits for skin

التعليقات · 113 الآراء

Beetroot benefits for skin - Beets tend to keep blood pressure in check.


  1. Keeps Diabetes under check :
  • Being a medium glycaemic index vegetable (means it releases sugars very slowly into the blood), it aids in maintaining your blood sugar levels low.
  • This vegetable is low in calories and fat-free making it a perfect vegetable for diabetics.

2. Improves Sexual health and Stamina :

  • Beetroot has been commonly used in a number of ancient customs to boost on’s sexual health, also known as ‘natural Viagra’.
  • Beetroot contains a lot of boron, a chemical compound that is important for the production of the sex hormone.

3. Lowers your blood pressure levels :

  • Beetroot is a great source of nitrates, which when consumed, is converted to nitrites and a gas called nitric oxides.
  • Having just about 500 grams of beetroot every day reduces a person’s blood pressure in about six hours.

4. Good for Pregnant Women and Unborn Child :

  • Amazing quality of the root is that it has an abundant supply of folic acid.
  • It provides an essential component for the proper formation of the unborn child’s spinal cord, and can protect the child from conditions such as spina bifda
  • Beetroot gives moms-to-be that extra energy boost required during pregnancy.

beetroot atta Online

5. Treats Anemia :

  • Beetroot contains a lot of iron. Iron helps in the formation of haemagglutinin, which is a part of the blood that helps transport oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body.

6. Beats constipation :

  • Beacuse of its high soluble fibre content, beetroot acts as a great laxative.
  • It helps in regularizing your bowel movement by softening stools.
  • It cleanses the colon and flushes out the harmful toxins from the stomach.

7.Boosts Brain Power :

  • Drinking beetroot juice could increase a person’s stamina by 16 percent, because of its nitrate content.
  • It has been seen that nitrate when converted into nitrite helps in the better transmission of neural impulses, making the brain work better.

8. Best Nutrients Supplier :

  • Beetroots are rich in nutrients that help to boost your immune system and can produce new blood cells.
  • A raw beetroot contains folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and carbohydrates.
  • Folic acid also enhances the tissue growth.
  • Beetroots were also used in earlier days to treat improper digestion.

9. Weight Management :

  • Beetroots are high in fibers and low in calories.
  • It is popularly used in weight loss diet due to the soluble fibers present in it that helps to fight against fat.
  • Beetroot also helps to cleanse the toxic and excess water from the body.
  • Thus, we can say that beetroot nutrition helps the skin glow.
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