Why are backlinks important?

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Hello friends, if you are a blogger or are thinking of starting blogging, then you must have heard the name of backlinks and you must have always wondered what backlinks are

Hello friends, if you are a blogger or are thinking of starting blogging, then you must have heard the name of backlinks and you must have always wondered what backlinks are , and why it is necessary to create them, or what is the benefit of creating them. it happens. So you will get the answer of these questions in this article. By the way, backlinks are a part of SEO which help to rank your page or blog in any search engine, so that more and more visitors can come to your website. By this you must have understood how important backlinks are, and why they are made.

What is Backlinks in English

Backlinks are those that link from one website to another. It can be your website or it can be someone else's website. With Backlinks, we can easily rank our site in Google. It also improves SEO . Backlinks help search engines to find your webpage and reach your website.

backlinks kya hai

Why Backlinks are Important

Backlinks basically connect to other websites. Each of these backlinks tells the search engine. “The content of this website is very useful. The more backlinks you have on your website, the more easily Google will rank in the search engine. You will benefit from this. Using links in a search engine is nothing new. In fact, this algorithm of backlinks is known as " Page Rank " in Google . Even though Google has made thousands of changes to its algorithm since then, backlinks are still an important part of it.

Types of Backlink 

Well, there are many types of backlinks. But it is mainly of 2 types.

  1. Do-Follow Backlinks
  2. No-Follow Backlinks

Do-Follow Backlinks

Do-Follow Backlinks are the links that the user and the search engine follow. These links do not have No-Follow tags. It helps to increase our SEO and Traffic rank easily. Crawler counts these link and anchor texts. Therefore, dofollow backlinks directly affect your backlink profile as they send a signal to search engines about what the linked website contains. You will also not get to see rel=nofollow in these links . for example

a href="https://www.example.com"example/a

No-Follow Backlinks

No-Follow Backlinks are those links that the user only follows, the search engine does not follow. Nofollow does not pass backlink authority because the tag rel="nofollow" in the HTML code of the website tells crawlers not to follow these backlinks. Google does not transfer authority or anchor text in nofollow links. No-Follow Backlinks are  as important as Dofollow backlinks , these links can be useful at any time. You will also get to see rel=nofollow in these links . for example

a href="https://www.example.com" rel="nofollow"example/a

What Types of Backlinks Are Valuable

If you want to rank high in SERPs , focus on quality backlinks . A single quality backlink can be more powerful than 1,000 low quality backlinks. So that your website can rank well in Search Engines. With these backlinks, your DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) will automatically increase. I am going to tell you about some such backlinks using which you can easily rank your website.

1. Use Social Platforms

To get Quality Backlinks, you can share your website in Social Media Platform. Through this, you will get backlinks. There are also some such social media platforms in which questions are also asked. You can easily answer them.


2. Internal Links

Internal Links are the links that we use to give a link to another post in one post of our website. Using these links, you can easily rank your website in search engines. These links have another advantage of their own, that the visitor coming to your website can easily go from one post to another. And read that post.

backlinks kya hai

3. Anchor Text

Anchor Text is the text in any article that is clickable, that is, in which Hyperlinks are used. These links work when we rank any keyword in Google. As soon as that link is opened, the information about that keyword comes. With these links, we can rank the website in Google.

4. Link Juice

When the link of the webpage is linked to any article or homepage of your website, we use it called link juice . It helps to rank our article. This also increases the Domain Authority of your website .

5. Guest Posting Blog

Guest posting  is a good way to generate quality backlinks. It is most commonly used. You can do Guest Posting on some Famaous websites related to your website . You will also get a good backlinks from it. And your website will rank in Google.

6. High-Quality Links

High-Quality Links are those links whose DA PA is good. We also call these links as Quality Links. These links are more powerful than normal links. And helps to increase DA PA of your website. Even if you get nofollow backlink from such a website, it proves to be very helpful in increasing your website rank.


I hope that now you have understood very well what backlinks are,  if you have any question related to this, then you can ask in the comment below, so that we can help you and share this post with your friends as much as possible. Share more.

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