What Can I Do If My Hair Wig Is Too Big?

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Silicone solution sheet

The silicone solution sheet is ideal for securing big loose wigs as it usually comes with an invisible thread that can be cut to any desired shape and size. The silicone is typically useful when stitched inside the wig cap to enable it to build into the wi

Silicone solution sheet
The silicone solution sheet is ideal for securing big loose wigs as it usually comes with an invisible thread that can be cut to any desired shape and size. The silicone is typically useful when stitched inside the wig cap to enable it to build into the wig. The silicon provides a gentle suction that properly secures the hair firmly into position.
Wig Grip/Elastic bands
The wig grip helps secure your hair as it usually adjusts to body movements and helps keep the wig in position. The bands evenly distribute the wig on your head and also prevent it from slipping off when worn. Besides securing your hair, the wig grip is also very comfortable when worn. Always ensure that you have a measurement of the distance between both your ears and also remember to leave a snug fit, to get that exact elasticity length.
Wig caps
Wig Caps are essential when it comes to securing large u part human hair wigs. They are usually ideal for keeping those large wigs in place and preventing natural hair from breaking due to friction caused by your wig. Lastly, wig caps act as a protective barrier between the scalp and your hair while keeping everything in place.
Wig tape
The wig tape is another method of securing your human hair headband wig, especially if you happen to have no hair underneath. The wig tape is usually attached to the wig's underside and helps create a more comfortable yet secure bond on your scalp. 
Compared to the wig glue, the tape is more scalp friendly as it typically doesn't irritate the skin, especially when it comes to ladies having a sensitive scalp. The wig tape is effective as it's a low residue tape that usually allows you to easily clean the wig and also makes it look more natural when worn. 
The wig tape is usually versatile as you can wear it daily regardless of the type of oil used or weather conditions. The wig tapes can be bought in a roll and then cut into desired sizes, or you can purchase pre-cut strips or spot tabs that have different length sizes.
Wig clips
Wig clips are also effective for securing a big affordable human hair wigs. It's worth noting that wig clips are usually useful only if you have hair underneath, and you're not wearing any wig cap. 
Wig clips are typically easy to use and are also a cheaper method of securing your wig 24/7. The wig clips come in an array of colours and also sizes that blend well with different varieties of wig styles, like lace front wig, cheap full lace human hair wigs, 360 wigs.
Sewing your hair is another excellent way of tightening a large. Using a needle and a thread goes a long way when it comes to fastening your loose cap. Find a spot behind your left ear on the wig cap then sew it carefully to make it more secure. Proceed sewing around your edge cap right up to your right ear cap. Always ensure that you repeat the process twice to secure your loose wig effectively. Finally, when you are done stitching, pull the thread to tighten your wig all the way around. Once you have the hair in position and it tightly fits, take it off, secure the knots, and then finish off the last stitch.
How To Tighten Elastic Band On A Wig?

Before putting on your wig, look at the interior of your wig cap. You’ll notice Velcro adjuster straps, usually, one will be located directly above the nape of the wig. The “nape” refers to the back of your neck (right where the back of your hair starts!).

Where you will ultimately place the adjusters depends on you and what makes the particular shape of your head feel comfortable. Some people have a narrow or flat head, while others have a longer neck. These and other factors will determine where the adjusters should be tightened. If you do need to tighten or loosen the adjusters, you may find that the placement of the straps changes drastically. Don’t worry! As long as the adjusters are hooked with enough Velcro to keep a secure hold, you’re doing the right thing.

Make Your Wig Fit Comfortably

Depending on the elasticity of the adjusters on your wig, you can potentially adjust your cap size up to two inches! To tighten your wig, simply:

● Use Velcro to adjust the wig. We love that many of our wigs have the Velcro adjuster featuring as it makes tightening and loosening a wig simple and fast!

● Adjust the wig half an inch at a time. You don’t want to stretch out the band on your cap by attempting to yank a too-tight wig onto your head! Try on the wig each time you adjust the straps half an inch. In general, you should only use the innermost slots if you know you have a very small head size—otherwise, you’re probably making the wig too tight (not to mention irritating your scalp)!

● Make sure the cap size still has some give. Most quality wigs are designed to be breathable. Your scalp (and any biological hair) will suffer with the long-term use of a tight wig.

If your wig is too tight and you haven’t hooked the Velcro, you may have a cap size that's too small. Our wigs come in various sizes from petite, petite/average, average and large so it's possible that you need to go up a size. The same holds true if your wig is too loose despite being adjusted tightly.

The best way to make sure you have the perfect wig size, follow the wig measurement guide and purchase your wigs accordingly!
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