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Tvidler  It is also known as glandular Leguminosae in the medical world. The front ear canal is where the earwax glands can be found. This is where the secretion takes place. Medically speaking, the structure of earwax glands is similar to that of sweat glands. Over 1,000 substances are found in-ear secretion, but not all have been identified. It has been shown that cerumen is antibacterial. It is important to make it difficult for small invaders like bacteria. It is important to ensure that your ear wax is sufficient. It can even prevent middle ear infections. A disturbed removal of secretion is the main cause of clogged ears. For cleaning the ear, cotton swabs and ear swabs are not recommended. To remove secretion, they should not be inserted in the ear. They are only meant to clean the outer pinna. An ear doctor can perform a more thorough job. Tvidler is another good option. This device will not harm your eardrum or ear canal. The secretion and dirt are gently removed from the ear. What can you do to keep your ear clean?
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