11 Best Low Investment Business Ideas

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Starting a business doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, there are tons of business ideas out there that won’t take a lot of money to get started. Whether you want a brick-and-mortar store or a virtual storefront, here are some low-investment business ideas that can help you get off

Starting a business doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, there are tons of business ideas out there that won’t take a lot of money to get started. Whether you want a brick-and-mortar store or a virtual storefront, here are some low-investment business ideas that can help you get off the ground.


Blogging is a great business idea for entrepreneurs who are looking to get involved in the world of digital marketing. By starting a blog, you can create a channel for clients to communicate with your business. For example, you could post blog posts about different issues they have with a particular company, or you could review a company is that has impressed your customers. Whatever the topic is, you’ll be able to generate a steady stream of income from this resource.

Business Planning

Business planning can be a great way to jumpstart your business, especially if you are looking to make a full-time living from your business. You can start a business plan for less than $50, and with a little practice, you’ll be able to refine your plan until it’s perfect.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular business idea, especially since it’s been growing in popularity in recent years. Think about how many affiliate websites there are out there. In fact, the total number of affiliates is likely higher than the total number of websites in the world. Affiliate marketing is about connecting websites and businesses so that the websites will display the advertisements that the business has created.

For example, you might make an affiliate website for a certain health supplement and charge a certain fee to have visitors click through to that website. That’s the affiliate fee. The affiliate website will typically have a specific amount of inventory that it carries in its virtual store, and that is how the visitor pays the affiliate fee.


Are you interested in video blogging, like the YouTube channel, vlog, or vlogging? Well, if that’s the case, you can start one relatively cheap. As long as you have a good camera, you can get a camera kit online, which would run you under $100. From there, you just upload your videos and share them on social media.


Are you the type of person who is always looking for side hustles? That’s a significant reason to freelance, as long as you have some skills that can make your resume stand out from others. Sites like Upwork, Toptal, or TaskRabbit are great ways to get some extra money on the side while keeping a flexible schedule.

Online Selling

Online selling is one of the easiest, fastest ways to start a business. You don’t even need a physical storefront to sell your products or services. You can set up a website, and place your products or services on sale online, and you can even sell your products and services in a variety of different channels like online auctions, pay-per-click ads, social media, email marketing, etc.

Once you have set up an online store, you will still have the option to open a physical location, or even carry your products and services into a physical location like a convenience store, grocery store, gas station, or pharmacy.

Start a Shop

Stocking merchandise or creating advertisements for a small shop will require a modest amount of money, but you can use the profits to pay for the store. For example, you could start a small florist’s supply shop and offer affordable arrangements and flowers that you purchase at bulk prices. Or, if you prefer making pottery, you could offer distinctive items for sale in your store, such as mugs and plates.

Yoga Instructor

There are tons of yoga instructors out there who are incredibly successful at making a business out of their talents, and this is especially true if you’re already a great yoga teacher. Instead of spending a lot of money on fancy equipment, you can use your own yoga supplies, like mats and blocks. Some people also have small collections of specialized yoga accessories that can help you stand out from the competition. To start, try one-off classes and see if you can make a little extra money on the side while you build your clientele.

Painting and Decorating

If you’re creative, painting or decorating is an ideal business to start. You don’t need fancy equipment or a lot of training to be successful.

Freelance Writer

If you have a passion for writing, why not turn it into a business? If you’re a newbie to the process, this is the easiest way to make a bit of cash without committing to long hours and having to pay out of pocket for your supplies. You can sell your articles, blog posts, and even fiction for the low, low price of no money at all. You can start with one client or one post at a time, and the earnings from your first few clients will give you the sense of security needed to know this is a good idea. If you’re ready for something a bit more permanent, sign up for a freelance writing site and start getting some clients.

Personal Trainer

Did you always want to start your own gym? Or maybe you just want a chance to help people get healthy and feel better about themselves.


Starting your own business can intimidate, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you want to take a franchise route or you want to try it on your own, you have tons of ideas out there to get you started. Once you find a business idea that works for you, just do it. With a little patience and creativity, you can take your business to the next level!

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